Minor Gladly Database Upgrade
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Gladly
Gladly has completed this scheduled maintenance.

Please contact Gladly Support should you have any further questions or concerns about this scheduled maintenance.
Posted Jan 28, 2023 - 22:48 PST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jan 28, 2023 - 22:01 PST
Gladly is planning a routine database (db) upgrade in its production environment on Saturday night, between 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific Time (PST).

We do not expect any impact on Gladly during this timeframe, other than a 2-second window where Voice calls may get disconnected. We expect this to impact at most 20 calls across all of Gladly.

Please contact Gladly Support should you have any further questions or concerns about this scheduled maintenance.
Posted Jan 23, 2023 - 12:14 PST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Channel - Voice.